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Africa in One Country: Cultural Mosaic

and Ecotourism Paradise


Cameroon's theme,"Africa in One Country," says it all - cultural variety, pageantry, panoramic scenery, and wildlife in its natural habitat. Serendipity brings a pleasant surprise around every corner, from Mount Cameroon and the balmy beaches of Kribi and Limbe, to Waza National Park and Lake Chad in the far north, on the doorstep of Africa's Great Sahara desert. Cameroon is the home of colorful festivals year round.

he Ngondo Festival in Douala, Cameroon's largest city, is held annually for ten days, ending on the first Sunday in December. In the photo (left) two tribal experts collect and read a message from the water spirits. The scene opposite features a 65 man dugout race canoe, 30m in length. The canoe portrayed is the winning entrant from 2005. The smaller dugout carries divers, about to descend into the Wouri river waers to retrieve a message from the spirits. The spirit message, after being interpreted by the experts, is then delivered to a group of chieftains from Douala and area, sitting under a special canopy.


The Ngoun Festival is held every second year in December. The Sultan-King of Bamoun is sitting on his ornate throne, framed by huge elephant tusks. On the page opposite (lower row) the guard's shield features a double headed serpent, which depicts the kingdom's continuing vigilance in keeping its enemies at bay in a two front war. The next photo is of local officials in their colorful regalia. The final photo shows the guards and guests in line with the Bamoun palace in the background.


Venez découvrir le Cameroun: Toute l'Afrique dans un pays - une mosaique culturelle et un paradis écotouristique

Yaoundé et Douala, deux principales villes du Cameroun, ont déjà abrité les rencontres de l'Africa Travel Association; et le slogan du Cameroun ''Toute l'Afrique dans un pays,'' en dit long. Ce slogan décrit la diversité culturelle, l'apparat, les paysages panoramiques et la faune dans son habitat naturel. Le don de faire des trouvailles vous gratifie d'un plaisir agréable d'un coin du pays à un autre; du Mont Cameroun et des plages douces de Kribi et de Limbé au Parc National de Waza, ainsi qu'au Lac Tchad dans l'Extrême-Nord, aux portes du grand désert africain du Sahara. Notre équipe de rédaction prépare actuellement un tiré-à-part de Africa Travel Magazine, qui présentera la culture camerounaise ainsi qu'un ensemble de photographies sur le festival du Ngoun et sur d'autres manifestations pittoresques qui se déroulent annuellement - c'est une raison suffisante pour laquelle cette édition aura un aspect conservateur.