
Google Results Webtrends



How do we rank for "Africa Fashions” on Google?

A search on July 16, 2007 on the above topic ranked us #1 and #2 out of 1,740,000 entries on the internet.
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What happens when you Google Marketing Africa Travel, Trade and Tourism Worldwide?

2007 Search Results

A search on July 3, 2007 for "
Marketing Africa Travel, Trade and Tourism Worldwide” revealed the following: Our web pages were #1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 from a total of 1,170,000 entries

The first two pages were from www.africa-ata.org. ATA and Africa Travel Magazine online.
The next two were from
www.airhighways.com .Air Highways Magazine, our sister site
The final two were from
www.worldscene.org/africa.htm . Africa Scene, another sister site..


On June 30 we entered "Marketing Africa Travel, Trade and Tourism to North Americans".
Our web pages were #1, and 2 from a total of 1, 800,000 entries

A search on June 28 for "Marketing Africa Travel to USA” revealed the following:
Our web pages were #1, 2, 3 and 4 from a total of 2,420,000 entries

A search on June 28 for “Marketing Africa to Canada” revealed the following:
Our web pages were #1, 2 and 3 from a total of 46,300,000 entries

A search on June 28, for "Marketing Africa to America” revealed similar results:
Our web pages were #1, 2 and 3 from a total of 35,100,000 entries.

Advertisers in Africa Travel Magazine are supported by both of the above websites.

This value added bonus is a key part of the marketing package.

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