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TravelWorld News
Ad Rates



Media Profile


Travel World News Magazine is the travel industry's leading monthly trade publication. Covering the retail travel industry since 1988, each issue of Travel World News contains important industry information and coverage for retail travel agents involved in making recommendations and bookings for their clients including comprehensive, up to date, and worldwide product news and destination editorial coverage.

Website: http://www.travelworldnews.com

Editorial and advertising sections featured in each issue and online:

* Industry News

* People

* Industry Events

* Worldwide Calendar of Industry Events

* North America/USA/Canada

* Caribbean

* Latin America/Mexico

* Africa

* Asia/Pacific

* Mediterranean

* Europe

* Airlines

* FAM Trips

* Special Interest Travel

* Cruises

* Dive Master


Production Sizes

Untrimmed Size of Publication 8.25" X 11"

Trim Size of Publication 8.00" X 10.75"

Live Area 7.00" X 10.25"

All live matter should be kept 1/4" inside of trim size. Bleeds 1/8" or more where applicable no charge. Half Tones 133 Line screen Covers 133 Line screen Four Color Inside 133 Line screen preferred. Web offset printing process. Right reading film negatives with emulsion side down preferred. Same Size repro positive accepted.

Issues and Closing Dates

Published Monthly. Closing date for space reservations, 3rd of the month, preceding issue date. All advertising materials should be shipped to arrive by the 10th of the month preceding the issue date.

Electronic Media Guidelines

Travel World News is produced in Quark & Photoshop in PC Format. All advertising in MAC format will be processed and outputted directly by our printer. Files can be sent on CD saved as PDF. All disks must be labeled. Include all files, extensions, pictures, graphics, fonts. A collection report listing all elements on the disk must be included. Ads must meet exact dimensions specified in the rate card and be accompanied with a color proof. All colors must be (C,M,Y,K). All photos must be high resolution (300dpi for photos) and (1200 dpi for line art) and saved as .tif files. Fonts must be postscrip only. Contact the sales department for a electrontic media form. Any deviations from these guidelines will be assesed a creative service fee of $150 per hour.

Ad Agency Commissions

15% of gross to recognized advertising agencies on space and color provided account is paid within 30 days of invoice date. Cash discount 2%, net 10 days.

Copy Contract Conditions

Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising copy. The publisher assumes no responsibility and will not be held liable for any statements appearing in advertising. Cancellations must be in writing and submitted and acknowledged prior to closing date. Advertisers who contract for multiple insertion rate and fail to fulfill that contract will be short rated back to the frequency rate that has been earned. Contracts are accepted subject to current rate card provisions. Positioning of all advertisements is at the discretion of the publisher. Production charges will be charged at prevailing commercial rates.



Website: http://www.travelworldnews.com